Author Archives: Ella

Spreading the Facts on Impetigo

Even if its readily visible, most of us are unaware about the importance of the biggest part of our body. The skin, unknown to most people, is as much a human organ as the heart, liver, and stomach. It is a very important element in the human body. It covers and protects everything inside the body. Skin holds everything together, helps keep our bodies just at the right temperature and allows us to have the sense of touch. Without skin, people’s muscles, bones, and organs would be […]

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Skin Infections in Kids How to Make Impetigo Go Away

Whether at home or in school, most kids are prone to minor accidents while they are busy at play. They usually get minor bruises and scratches on their skin. These small cuts and abrasions, however, could become serious once skin infections set in and no proper treatment administered. A good example of a bacterial infection is called Impetigo. Impetigo is characterized by the presence of crusty lesions on the skin. This skin infection is caused by the following bacteria: Streptococcus or staphylococcus aureus. These bacteria are usually […]

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How to Cure Impetigo in 3 Days Or Less

If you’re currently suffering from Impetigo, or your child is, I’m sure you are extremely eager know how to cure Impetigo as fast as possible. If you read below, you will find out many easy steps you can take immediately to cure Impetigo in less than 3 days. First, understand that Impetigo is a bacterial infection. Since Impetigo is contagious, the primary way you can get it is by being exposed to someone who has Impetigo. It usually enters through the nose, mouth, or breaks in the […]

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Fast Cure for Impetigo

I get asked all the time, “What is the best cure for Impetigo?” There a variety of them. While your doctor will most likely prescribe you harmful anti-biotics or a toxic lotion to cure Impetigo, you’d be surprised to know that this isn’t the safest or the most effective route. The worst thing you can do is to “sit and wait” for it to magically heal on it’s own. You’re looking at 7-21 days of recovery time if you do this, and it will not be a […]

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Treating Impetigo

Impetigo usually affects children and of those that contract this skin infection it generally takes places during nursery or school years. There are two common types of impetigo bullous and non bullous. Impetigo is also classified in stages, primary and secondary. Primary impetigo affects healthy skin however; secondary impetigo is usually associated with another underlying skin condition such as atopic eczema. In the case where impetigo or symptoms of it are detected it is advisable to seek the medical advice of a Dr in order to rule […]

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Symptoms and Treatments of Impetigo

Impetigo is a highly contagious disease that usually affects children, hence known as school sores. However, it can affect adults too. Impetigo is a bacteria of the skin causing red sores on its victims. There are different types of Impetigo therefore the symptoms vary as well. Despite differences in types of Impetigo, they all share some common symptoms. Such symptoms include: 1) Red sores – red sores appear on the skin. These sores can build up and eventually rupture causing the disease to leak out of the […]

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Quick Remedies to Stop Impetigo

Due to the highly contagious aspect of Impetigo, it’s in the best interest of the sufferer to get rid of Impetigo as quickly as possible. However, since there are differing strengths of the disease, a “cure” will depend on how severe the Impetigo is. Impetigo is caused by both the staphylococcus and streptococcus bacterias. There are two different “types” of Impetigo, one that creates non-bullous sores and one that creates just bullous. In both cases, the sores turn into blister-like lesions which after bursting will crust over. […]

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How to Prevent Impetigo

The superficial skin condition of impetigo is generally caused by the bacteria staphyloccus aureus or streptococcus pyogenes and in most cases affects young children. Common symptoms include blisters which form on the face around the nose and mouth, neck and hands. Good hygiene is the best preventative measure of impetigo and regular hand washing to avoid the bacteria from spreading to other parts of the body as well as on to someone else. Treatment for impetigo is usually with antibiotic ointment or tablets if the condition worsens. […]

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Top 3 Impetigo Home Remedies

If you’re looking for Impetigo Home Remedies, you’ve come to the right place. Impetigo is not a fun or exciting infection to get. It’s most commonly experienced in children, but adults can get it as well. Your condition can range from being mild to quite severe, depending on the location of the body and your bodys immune system. Either way, it is extremely important to begin treating the infection as soon as possible with the best Impetigo home remedies. I believe in a natural approach to treat […]

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What is Impetigo and How to Treat It?

Impetigo more often than not affects chlidren more than adults but, due to its contagious nature, the disease can affect anyone. Impetigo is a bacterial infection that again, affects children usually between the ages of 3 and 6 years old. Symptoms of Impetigo are usually seen as smallish red blisters located around the mouth and nose. While Impetigo can occur elsehwere on the body, blisters around the mouth and nose are very common. Eventually, these blisters pop and ooze a liquidy solution. Once the blisters begin to […]

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